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Why you shouldn’t eat these foods before getting on a plane

A plane trip can be a pleasant experience, but it can also be a very uncomfortable situation if we fear flying. According to data from the INE, National Institute of Statistics, more than 6% of the population in Spain has a phobia of flying, a situation that is not simple and can be even more complicated if we do not know how to prepare properly before starting a trip. The Food is important in generalbut also at specific times, like just before getting on a plane.

There are foods that are more advisable than others and they are so for different reasons. Some of them can speed us up, adding nervousness to an already complicated situation, others can make our trip much more uncomfortable, being difficult to digest, causing indigestion and even gas. Each one for a reason, there are foods that are better avoid before taking flight.

Why you shouldn’t eat this before getting on a plane

Passengers on a plane.
Passengers on a plane.

What we eat not only serves as food for us, but also has an effect on our moodsomething of which we are increasingly aware as we understand a little more how the body works and the importance of gut-brain axis. Some foods can feed our anxiety about flying, but as we have seen, it is not the only reason why we must take care of what we eat before a plane trip.

If there is a stimulant that we all know, it is caffeine and for this reason it is advisable to avoid it, but also because it dehydrates in a dehydrated environment and because, due to its diuretic effect, it will make us go to the bathroom more. If caffeine is not good because it adds nervousness, carbonated drinks They can swell us and produce gases in a closed environment where we can barely move.

The legumes and cruciferous They are famous for the gases they cause, they can be indigestible and add discomfort to our flight, so it is better to avoid them in these circumstances. With the dairy Something similar could happen to us and food spicy can cause acidity, fried They are very fatty and can be heavier to digest, making us feel uncomfortable.

The humidity level inside an airplane is very low, so it is best to avoid foods with excess salt, like French fries. These can also cause headaches and increased fluid retention, which is also not recommended. The same reason why it is convenient avoid alcoholwhich causes us to dehydrate in an environment where the opposite is better.

Relaxing foods to relieve stress


In view of stressful or anxious situationsit is unlikely that what we eat will calm us down, however, some foods can have a positive effect on our brain and help us a little, because they contain tryptophan, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins or magnesiumthey can also help reduce cortisol productionwhich is the stress hormone.

He chocolate, as long as it is not consumed in excess and preferably one that is at least 70% cocoa, is a great ally against stress because it contains magnesium that reduces the production of cortisol. The bananas They are famous for their potassium content, key for the nervous system; It has tryptophan and vitamin B6, which promotes the production of serotonin. He avocado It is also rich in potassium and its monounsaturated fatty acids help the brain better absorb serotonin.

The Honey, consumed in moderation, has calming effects and accelerates the production of endorphins; the lettuce contains lactucin, which is a sedative and helps you sleep better, whole grains that we find in, for example, whole grain breads, are rich in complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates provide slowly absorbed sugars and B vitamins, which can balance mood and regulate stress.


How to deal with anxiety: can diet make a difference? (2017, May 24). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/es/diseases-conditions/generalized-anxiety-disorder/expert-answers/coping-with-anxiety/faq-20057987

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