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This is the leading cause of sudden death among people under 35 years of age.

Cardiovascular diseases usually lead the most frequent mortality rates in Spain and the worldand yet attention is not usually drawn to those that cause a sudden death among the younger population. The Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has the unfortunate record of deaths in this sense, specifically among people under 35 years old.

This is a circumstance highlighted thanks to the recent creation of the Spanish Association of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (Aemch) in A Coruña, where the city’s University Hospital Complex has become national reference center for the treatment of this pathology.

We are talking about a heart condition that involves an abnormal thickening of the heart musclewhich hinders the normal functioning of the heart, especially affecting the left ventricle. According to the Aemch, In Spain, around 140,000 people currently suffer from it.although it is a figure that could be considerably higher given the high rate of underdiagnosis it presents.

From the Aemch they have emphasized that Early detection is essential to avoid a fatal outcome. which has already been seen, for example, in the case of elite athletes who died suddenly while competing in a competition.

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Asymptomatic in most cases

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a complex heart condition that takes the lives of those under 35 years of age. Although it is known that It is of genetic origin and therefore hereditary, the great obstacle it presents is the absence of symptoms In most cases.

When the symptoms do appear, they do so through manifestations that are very common to the spectrum of cardiovascular diseases in generalsince the affected person may feel shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations, dizziness or loss of consciousness. Faced with such a complex scenario, the only diagnostic method that can shed light is performing an echocardiograma test that allows assessing cardiac structure and function.

Regarding the risk of sudden death assessment, in a medical consultation the opportunity to perform a stress test, MRI, or catheterization, among other tests. You can also consider a Holter monitoring for 24 hours to see how the heart responds to normal activity.

Are there avoidable risk factors?

In general terms, as already indicated, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy it is hereditary. This means that those people who have a diagnosed parent will have 50 percent of chances of inheriting the disease.

Despite this important condition, we must not forget that, like any other cardiovascular disease, It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in which the consumption of toxic substances (tobacco, alcohol) is avoided and control hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes. In this sense, a healthy diet is also a fundamental pillar, along with regular exercise and reducing stress as much as possible.


Spanish Heart Foundation (sf). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. https://fundaciondelcorazon.com/informacion-para-pacientes/enfermedades-cardiovasculares/cardiopatias-familiares-y-genetica/miocardiopatias/miocardiopatia-hipertrofica.html

Mayo Clinic (sf). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. https://www.mayoclinic.org/es/diseases-conditions/hypertrophic-cardiomyopathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20350198

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