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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ten more towers in Clot d’Emprivat

Escaldes-EngordanyRosa Gili explained that there will be, in the short term, ten more towers in the Clot d’Emprivat area. The Consul from Spain has pointed out that these are plots where the owner had already asked for permission to build. Four towers are planned on an island with two plots, four more on a second and two more in the area “of that building that the networks say looks like nougat”. In total, ten new towers.

The representative from Spain has emphasized that there will be a major change between the new towers and the previous ones. “They will free up a lot more space,” points out Gili who understands that it is a concept that will not be clear until the new buildings are under construction. “We will have a green lung and we wanted to increase the surface of the Prat del Roure and there will be a 25-metre artery separating buildings, bearing in mind that a street is about 8 meters wide”, says the consul. The statements were made in an interview on the program La Clau d’Andorra Televisió.

Gili recalled that as of January 10, all works are stopped, with the exception of those that were already entering. The consul states that with the new town planning plan “we will be able to leave our mark, thinking of protecting heritage, the landscape, well-being and we will maintain the transfer of 15%” of the land. He pointed to the fact that “for example, the transfer of 15% that was made some time ago will allow there to be 350 parking spaces in Falgueró instead of the 140 that existed”.

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