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Friday, May 17, 2024

Gili criticizes the Government’s housing plan because “they are throwing themselves into the pool”

Escaldes-Engordany“I don’t understand why the Government is getting into the habit of jumping into the pool without talking to the people. As they have done now in the housing measures. It seems, now, that they will be slow to do it. It was necessary to do these ads? I’m sorry for the impulsiveness we saw before the general election. I think they’re wrong.”

This is how Escaldes Consul Rosa Gili expressed herself about the housing measures presented by the Government that include the temporary expropriation of flats that have been empty for more than three years. The Spanish woman considers the plan “too harsh because first you have to talk to the people and not with the threat that we will take it from you. And it mainly affects non-residents and that gives me a lot of respect. I do not agree with the existence of empty flats while there are people suffering for housing, but this plan makes me a little anxious.” Gili explained it in an interview on the program La Clau d’Andorra Televisió.

Gili has pointed out that he complained to the Government about the fact that the commons were not informed about the housing measures because “we are an involved party and we could have contributed things”. In general, the consul sees the whole process as very hasty and that at the time of truth they must stop it and rethink it in the face of the uncertainties it has generated.

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