We have become accustomed to wearing the mobile phone everywhere, and one of those customs is also transferred to when we eat and dine. In a few days, a season of many meetings around the table is approaching and it is expected that there will be telephones in abundance.
But this can be risky. The doctor Gareth Nye Professor of physiology at the University of Chester, warns in a report published by the Daily Mail that you smartphone It can harbor harmful germs that could then spread to your dining table.
Most worryingly, this includes bacteria that can cause anything from food poisoning to skin infections. “These are mainly gastrointestinal conditions such as diarrhea, vomiting and other stomach disorders,” explains Dr. Nye.
“However, in people with compromised immune systems, it can cause very unpleasant infections such as sepsis or pneumoniaadds the doctor.
“Healthcare workers, even those who are not on the front lines, can develop a variety of bacteriabeing the most common Pseudomonas aeruginosa (which can cause serious respiratory or skin infections) and Acinetobacter baumannii (which can cause meningitis)”, continues the doctor.
“Non-healthcare workers still carry bacteria on their phones, the bacteria being gram positive spores the most common. “These are linked to food poisoning and other gastrointestinal problems,” he says.
“Almost all phone surfaces contain dangerous common bacteria E.coli and fecal streptococci”, and although it may seem unpleasant, these bacteria usually reach our smartphones through our own handsaccording to Dr. Nye.
“Our hands touch around 150 different objects every dayespecially if you commute daily to work, for example,” he said.
“Each of these surfaces has the potential to cause contamination with more dangerous bacteria. “Once on our hands, the next place our hands normally touch is the phone screen, and bacteria are transferred from any object we touch to the phone,” he continues.
“This is particularly true when we consider phone use in the bathroom. Bacteria naturally find its way into our hands during trips to the bathroom, then to our phones, which will continue a transfer process until both surfaces are clean. “This can lead to the spread of bacteria at the table if you also use your phone while eating,” adds Nye.