Laura Mas rules out being a candidate for head of government
Coopalsa ensures that the shifts comply with current regulations
Respondents see more positive aspects in the agreement, but sweeps the ‘no’
They intervened in Puigcerdà a house with 28 old weapons
Arrested as part of the “Queen” anti-drug operation
Espot recognizes the difficulties in communicating the agreement in the face of “catastrophisms”
Peruvian workers who report abuses continue to go unanswered
“the decision must be made with knowledge of the cause”
NBA: Joel Embiid works through injuries, mental health struggles
“If this weren’t France, you would be 10,000 times more in shit”
Last day to buy Christmas lottery
Why you shouldn’t keep eggs on the refrigerator door
Moreno and Aagesen announce the publication of the regulatory bases for aid for farmers in the Doñana area