Andorra la VellaThe Consul Major of Sant Julià de Lòria, Cerni Cairathas expressed to‘Today will be a Good RTVA Day that theAssociation Agreement with the European Union it generates “more doubts than certainties“. Carat has expressed that he sees “a forced rapprochement with the EU” and points out that the vehicle to make this possible is the Agreement.
The aspects that cause the most concerns in the consul is how Andorra will be able to adapt to the four freedoms “my doubts, which are more doubts than certainties, come from how this integration of the four freedoms is done, at once and how this affects major challenges we have such as housing, foreign investment, in terms of urban growth” he pointed out Carat.
The journalist Gabriel Fernandez he replied that he had just told him that “I don’t know sometimes tends to be a no”. The consul stated that “I don’t know”. Even so, the Lauredian president left the door open to a possible yes. “We haven’t been called to vote yetthere are still many doubts about whether the deal is mixed or not.” In fact, he explained that concord will soon present its position regarding the Association Agreement proposed and negotiated by the different Governments.