Andorra la VellaThe total number of households in the country is 41,765 according to the population records estimated at December 31, 2023. So, taking into account the 85,101 people resident on the same date, the average number of members per household is 2 people. Going into detail, and according to the Statistics department published this Monday, the parish with the most resident households is Andorra la Vella (12,519), followed by Escaldes-Engordany (7,016), Encamp (6,192), La Massana (5,807), Sant Julià de Lòria (4,232) and Canillo (3,429), while the parish with the fewest resident households is Ordino (2,570).
For its part, Canillo is the parish that has grown the most in the number of households in the period 2019-2023 with 45.1%, followed by Massana and Encamp, with 20.2% and 18.4% respectively , while the one that has grown the least during this period has been Sant Julià , with 10.8%.
On the other hand, it should be noted that during 2023 of the total of 41,765 households in the country, 47% (19,632) are single-person households, that is, with only one member. Households with two members represent 22.5% of the total (9,397), while households with between three and five members are 29.5% (12,300). Finally, 1% of households (436) have more than five members. The average number of members per household evolves slightly downward in the last five years, going from 2.2 members in 2019 to 2 members in 2023.
By nationality, the majority of resident couples are made up of two members of non-Andorran nationality (64.5%), while in 25.4% of couples both are Andorran. Couples in which one of the members is Andorran and the other is not, represent the remaining 10.1%. These percentages remain stable for the three groups throughout the available history, which goes back to 2015.
According to the data from the Family Budget Survey, the number of households with between one and two members represent, in 2023, 63.8% of Andorran households, as opposed to households with three or more members, which they are the remaining 36.2%. The most frequent households are those composed of 2 members (34.6%), followed by those formed by a single member (29.2%). Compared to the previous year, the households that have increased significantly are those made up of a single person with 12.7%. Conversely, households with 5 members and households with more than 5 members decrease by 44.4% and 25% respectively.
The average number of members per household is also taken from the Family Budget Survey. For the year 2023, it evolves very slightly downward, marking a figure of 2.2 members per household. The trend in recent years is clearly downward. If you compare the ratio extracted from the EPF with the one calculated from the estimated population, you can see that the two estimation methodologies yield a very similar figure, although it is slightly lower than the census.
Finally, it should be noted that the demography of the Principality is made up mostly, at 75.1%, of households without minors, followed by households of couples with adult children or children under 18 with 18.7%, single-parent households with 4% and, finally, for other types of households with minors with 2.2%. If we go into more detail, among the households without minors, couples stand out, with 27.1% of the total households, followed by single people under the age of 65 with 22.4%, the other households without minors with 18.8% and households with a single person over 65 with 6.8%.
Among households with adult children or children under 18, those with a child under 18 stand out, with 10% of the total. It is relevant that almost one in three households, 29.2%, is made up of people living alone.